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Meet the Team

​Our team consists of specialist Teachers, Educational Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Psychotherapists, Art Therapists, Play Therapists, Music Therapists, Drama & Dance Movement Therapists, Thrive Trainers, Mindfulness Trainers, Adoption Support specialists, Creative Arts Teachers and other specialist practitioners.

Ed Harker - Director

Ed is a Senior Consultant specialising in School leadership, Inclusion, Early Years Education, and Creativity in Education. Recent significant experience as Headteacher of an Infant School (for 12 years). Chair of BANES Schools Forum 2015-19.

Qualifications: BA Hons, PGCE Primary and Early Years. NPQH, Thrive Practitioner.

Ed Harker - Director image

Ruth Fergusson - Senior Educational Psychologist

Ruth is a chartered Educational and Child Psychologist. After working in a local authority setting for twelve years, she moved to lead the team of psychologists at Brighter Futures. She is also the lead practitioner of two specialist nurture services in Bath and North East Somerset, supporting children with complex early life experiences to transition into, and maintain, their placements in mainstream schools. Her area of special interest concerns the effect of children’s difficult early life experiences on their educational progress.

Ruth is currently undertaking a doctorate at UCL, looking at effective ways to support school staff who work intensively with children who have experienced developmental trauma.

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Educational Psychology Team

Dr Jude Liberman

DEd Psy. Specialist in SEMH, SEND, Behaviour, Thrive Practitioner.

Jude was a secondary school maths teacher and SENCo before completing Educational Psychology training in 2005. She works as a local authority (LA) EP alongside her work with Brighter Futures.

Jude completed a professional doctorate in Educational Psychology in 2019. She is interested in the transition to adulthood for young people with SEND, including those with the most complex needs. She is also interested in trying to make sense of situations for children of all ages where there are multiple and complex factors that are impacting upon access to learning, behaviour and wellbeing - proper detective work!

Jude enjoys working with parents and, as a mum of 2 teenagers, she has a personal interest in working out how best to understand and support children through their teenage years.

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Becky Mitcham

Becky has been an EP for 15 years, having previously taught across all ages of KS2. She has a special interest in supporting young people with social, emotional, and mental health needs and has helped set up an early intervention nurture provision in a neighboring authority to support inclusive practice in schools.

Becky also has a broad interest in supporting young people with autism and sensory processing needs.

She lives at home with her husband and three sons where she enjoys spending time outside and watching her sons play football!

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Jenny Stephenson

Jenny Stephenson has been a chartered Educational Psychologist since 2005. She has worked for inner London local authorities as a specialist senior EP for many years and more recently in the South West of the UK.

She has a background in primary school teaching and held previous roles as an SEND governor in schools. She is passionate about applying psychology to promote the inclusion of vulnerable children and those with additional needs. Her special interests include trauma and attachment, anxiety and emotional well-being, neuro-developmental needs and sleep difficulties.

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Emma Balfour

Emma has been an Educational Psychologist for 15 years. She previously taught in a primary school and at the Chelsea Children’s Hospital School.

Emma studied to become an Educational Psychologist at the Tavistock Clinic, a specialist mental health service for children and families. She has worked across early years, primary, secondary, PRUs, special provision and charities, using psychology to support children and young people to overcome barriers to their success in education. She has a special interest in supporting children and young people with social, emotional and mental health needs. She is a trained Video Interaction Guidance Practitioner and is passionate about building relationships in families and schools, to support emotional well-being.

Emma believes strongly in the importance of the well-being of the adults around the child/young person and has delivered wellbeing sessions based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to school leaders, school staff and other Educational Psychology Services.

She lives with her partner and two children, and particularly enjoys outdoor swimming and reading.

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Ellen Cook

Ellen has been an Educational Psychologist for around 9 years, having previously worked as a Teaching Assistant (TA) in a primary school, and a Research Assistant delivering whole-class preventative mental health interventions to both primary and secondary aged pupils.

Ellen enjoys the range of work being an EP brings; from Early Years to Post 16. She has a special interest in using VIG (Video Interaction Guidance) and VERP (Video Enhanced Reflective Practice) with staff and families, with a focus on promoting positive interactions through attunement. Ellen is also interested in using Dynamic Assessment as a tool/framework to explore learning, mediation and teaching; as well as promoting the use of Person Centered Practice (PCP) to support inclusion in schools.

She lives at home with her partner and chickens!

Ellen Cook image

Therapists & Practitioners

Fred Lacey - Paediatric Psychotherapist

Fred is a Child Psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and education consultant.

Fred started his career as a primary teacher then Deputy Head of a Primary school. Fred then retrained as a play therapist and psychotherapist as well as a clinical supervisor. His work now includes specialist practitioner Nurture Outreach Team, clinical supervisory work for school staff, therapists and trainee therapists, and psychotherapy work predominately with Fostered and adopted families. Fred is a Thrive Practitioner.

Qualifications – BEd Hons, MA, Cert&Dip in practice-based play therapy, Clinical Supervision, Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy practitioner. Areas of professional interest: working with children who have experienced early trauma and unified approaches with parents and professionals.

Fred Lacey - Paediatric Psychotherapist image

Naomi Western - Specialist Practitioner

Naomi is a Specialist Lead Practitioner with Brighter Futures.

She has worked as a senior leader for SEND, inclusion and safeguarding in schools in South Gloucestershire and BANES and holds the National Award for SEND coordination and National Professional Qualification for Headship. She is trained as a Whole School SEND reviewer and has extensive experience supporting SENDCOs new to role.

Having sat on steering group for Bath Behaviour and Attendance Panel and being a SEND Hub Lead for Bath and Wells Multi-Academy Trust, she has knowledge and understanding of the local landscape for SEND and inclusion. She has 16 years teaching experience in both specialist and mainstream settings and experience of governance in alternative provision.

Naomi’s particular area of interest is reshaping school policy and practice through relational and trauma-sensitive approaches to emotional regulation.

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Sonia Mainstone-Cotton

Sonia is an early years and nurture specialist on the Brighter Futures Nurture Outreach team, she is a Thrive practitioner and also works part time as freelance trainer/consultant specialising in children’s and adults well-being and child voice.

Sonia has written several books including Promoting young children’s emotional health and wellbeing, Promoting wellbeing in early years staff, Mummy’s Got Bipolar and Can I tell you about Bipolar. Sonia worked for 20 years with The Children’s Society leading on child voice and participation, specialising in early years and SEN children. As part of this role she delivered training across the country.

Qualifications: BA Hons Early Childhood studies and Masters in Early Years Education

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Sharon Cooke

Sharon is a Thrive Licensed Practitioner and nurture specialist who has extensive experience of working in schools with vulnerable children with a wide range of additional needs including social, emotional, behavioural and SEND needs. Sharon has experience of setting up Thrive rooms in schools to support children with Thrive interventions. She is also a member of the Brighter Futures Nurture Outreach Team providing training and coaching for school staff. She has experience of supporting and training staff in order to imbed Thrive and is able to enthuse others with her passion for supporting vulnerable learners.

Professional interests: Attachment and Sensory

Processing needs, ASC needs and the use of play and creativity to support the emotional needs and regulation of children and young people.

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Nicky Spencer-Hutchings

Nicky is a Mental Health Occupational Therapist, Thrive trainer and specialist practitioner. Nicky has been working in mainstream and special education for over 15 years, supporting child and adolescent mental health and upskilling those adults whose lives these children touch.

Specialism: supporting children and adolescents affected by trauma and loss

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Kate Parmar - Inclusion Practitioner

Prior to working with Brighter Futures, Kate was a primary school teacher for 16 years with experience of teaching in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1.

Her other responsibilities included being Deputy Head Teacher, Designated Safeguarding and Child Protection Lead, SENDCo and Inclusion Leader and carrying out staff supervision in the Foundation Stage.

Kate has also worked as a Teaching Assistant in year 2 and very much enjoyed supporting the children’s learning and well-being. She is especially interested in children’s attachment needs and has been a respite Foster Carer and a Sessional Worker for the BANES ‘Children in Care’ team.

Having completed her Licensed Thrive Practitioners training, Kate draws upon this professional development as an invaluable resource within her professional practice.

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Juliette Marsh - Art Therapist

Before working as an Art Psychotherapist for Brighter Futures, Juliette worked in both Children’s Television production and as a practitioner in therapeutic art making. She has worked extensively with children and young adults with Special Educational Needs and is an advocate for broader access to the Arts and Art Therapy in education.

Alongside her first degree in Fine Art, Juliette completed her Masters in Art Psychotherapy in 2020 and is a member of the British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT). She is registered with the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) and has a special interest in working alongside her clients, as well as in dyadic work between the parent and child in Art Therapy.

In her spare time, Juliette maintains her own professional art practice and enjoys print making as well as painting, and has completed several wall murals for private clients and organisations across the course of her career.

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Katie Harris

Katie is a Thrive Lead Trainer and qualified social worker. Katie has extensive experience of working with vulnerable children and adults in education, social care and mental health organisations. In her role as Family Support Worker at Three Ways School, Katie developed programmes and courses for parents in Thrive, emotional resilience, using creative arts and mindfulness.

Katie is also a Relax Kids coach and works across Bath primary schools with programmes to support children’s emotional regulation including Thrive Creative Arts.

Qualifications include: BA Hons in Social Work.

Professional interests: the role of creativity and play in supporting children and young people’s emotional and social development

Katie Harris image

Emma Harvey

Emma is an experienced Thrive practitioner who specialises in supporting children with their social and emotional wellbeing.

In her role with Brighter futures, Emma provides Thrive capacity for five local schools within the Primary Empowerment Project.

Emma has previously worked in special needs and mainstream primary education for many years. She has a background in art and textiles and enjoys introducing creativity into her Thrive practice.

Emma Harvey image