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Virtual Library

Welcome to the Three Ways School Virtual Library where you can find a number of different sensory stories that you can access by clicking on the book cover of your choice.

Each book will take you to the website where it was made and there will be a set of instructions such as a list of props you may want to prepare, Powerpoint presentations you can download or any printable resources for comprehension exercises.

Have fun exploring the stories…


Pete Wells Sensory Stories Podcast

These stories come either as Powerpoint presentations or downloadable videos with a variety of downloadable resources to support learning and comprehension. In each downloadable file there is also a script with a list of props that can be used to support the telling of the story.

Enjoy a selection of his stories below.

For more information:

​The Story Massage Programme

The Story Massage Programme was founded in 2012 by Mary Atkinson and Sandra Hooper - who share a passion for introducing the positive, nurturing touch for people of all ages and abilities. The programme is based on ten simple strokes, each with a name and symbol making it accessible for all. It is fun, interactive and fully inclusive. The programme is now used widely in schools, special schools, nurseries, care homes, hospices, libraries, baby and toddler massage classes, and, of course, the family home.

Enjoy a selection of their stories below.

For more information about training and resources please visit:

Surviving through Story

Surviving through Story is a community hub of COVID-related stories and resources for people with special needs. We want to create a community of survivors with stories to share of their lives in and beyond lockdown. Please use story scripts/info in our ALBUMS to start sharing! Keep well, keep safe and keep telling stories.

Enjoy a selection of their stories below.

For more ready-made sensory stories:

Mainspring Arts: Strings & Things

Strings & Things, a suite of sensory stories for young children and people with severe (SLD) or profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). Each story takes you on an adventure led by a magical ball of string, unpacking the lived experience of lockdown and social distancing.

The stories have been written by Julia Collar, director of Collar & Cuffs Co, an inclusive sensory musical theatre company specialising in themes around mental health and emotional development for 0-7s and people with complex needs.

Enjoy a selection of their stories below.

Rhyming Multisensory Stories

The rhyming multisensory stories and poems are adapted to meet a range of abilities from curious preschoolers to adolescents with complex needs, helping individuals to understand the world and connecting them to literature, culture and topic in a way that is meaningful to their lives.

Listening to rhythm and rhyme supports memory and aids learning, playing a crucial role in language development, the learning of concepts and communication.

Enjoy a selection of their stories below.

For more information:

Bag books

Bag Books is a UK registered charity supporting people with learning disabilities through the provision of multi-sensory books and storytelling. Founded in 1993, Bag Books is the only charity in the world publishing multi-sensory books for people with severe or profound and multiple learning disabilities.

Enjoy a selection of their stories below

For more information: