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It is the intention of this policy to inform staff, parents, governors and all other interested parties of the teaching of Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) at Three Ways School. We seek to ensure continuity and progress for all pupils.
At Three Ways School we recognise the importance of teaching MFL to our pupils to provide a wide range of activities and experiences. We therefore believe that it is important to organise and structure a balanced education programme.
The aim of teaching MFL at Three Ways School is to provide a valuable, educational, social and cultural experience for all our pupils. Learning another language raises awareness of the multi-lingual and multi-cultural world and introduces an international dimension to pupil’s learning, giving them an insight into their own culture and those of others. The learning of a foreign language provides a medium for cross-curricular links and for the reinforcement of knowledge, skills and understanding developed in other subjects.
Our MFL policy supports these aims by providing the following subject content and coverage:
Primary: Pupils are given the opportunity to experience French, Spanish and German languages during Topic Weeks held three times a year. During these weeks classes come together and take part in a range of Music, Dance, Art, Food Technology, Geography and History activities all designed to develop an understanding of these cultures.
In addition, where appropriate, pupils are given the opportunity to further develop their communication and literacy skills through weekly MFL lessons.
Key Stage 3: Pupils continue to develop their knowledge and understanding of the French, Spanish and German languages through a combination of weekly lessons, Topic based days and/or Topic based weeks.
Key Stage 4: Some of our older pupils opt to continue to study a Modern Foreign Language and follow the AQA Entry Level Certificate in Years 10 and 11.
All MFL teaching in Primary classes is delivered by the class teacher, teaching assistants and / or colleagues. Most MFL teaching in Key Stage 3 is delivered by the class teachers with the support of teaching assistants.
AQA French is delivered by Year 10 / Year 11 class teacher, or Deputy Head and are supported by MFL co-ordinator at the current time
Maximum use is made of artefacts, pictures, symbols, role-play, games and music to present and teach the target language. ICT programmes also enable pupils to Google and research European countries and help develop a global dimension.
All pupils at Three Ways School are able to enjoy learning Modern Foreign Languages through the use of a wide range of visual, auditory and tactile resources, and an emphasis on experiential learning. The use of extension activities through Education City MFL modules and the use of the Internet at home can also be used to extend learning.
Three Ways is currently exploring links with other special schools in Europe with the view to establishing annual exchange visits and the shared use of the school’s grounds and facilities for accommodation. We have e-mail links with a school in South France between our AQA Year 10 and 11 pupils.
Assessment is conducted through formal and informal oral assessment carried out by class teachers at the end of a Topic Week, a discrete module and/or where appropriate to help inform future planning. The school’s Assessment format is used to record individual and class progress on B squared using P’ scales and NC descriptors. This is also used to report achievement annually as part of each pupil’s Review. GAP analysis of individual and class levels enables the MFL co-ordinator to monitor progress and continuity across the Year Groups and Key Stages.
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