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Sixth Form Curriculum

Three Ways Sixth Form provides a broad and balanced curriculum for young people with a range of additional needs including communication, learning, sensory and physical with additional support often needed to develop social and emotional skills, in preparation for the next stage of their adult life. Sixth Form provides an environment where young people can be supported to grow and develop as individuals with a personalised learning programme that prepares them for adulthood.

We have a range of curriculum pathways that offer our young people the best possible outcomes. We have high expectations and expect all young people to achieve accreditations whilst in 6th form, with a continued focus on English and Maths, alongside work experience and the opportunity to develop entrepreneurial skills. We provide a functional curriculum that ensures young people are confident in booking a doctors appointment, understanding democracy and their right to vote, joining a new sports group, keeping themselves and those around them safe and living a fulfilling life. Cultural education is also hugely important to us to ensure pupils learn about mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith. Working closely with our Multi-Agency team, we work together creatively to ensure the best possible outcomes for our pupils. We are extremely proud of the success of our ex-pupils who have left us to secure college placements, work placements, supported employment, voluntary work and play active roles in their local community.


Sixth Form Curriculum Aims

  • Prepare young people for adulthood with high aspirations for a fulfilling adult life
  • Provide curriculum pathways suited to the needs of each young person and based on their education, health and care plan to develop communication, cognition, physical and sensory development, social, emotional/mental health and independence
  • Ensure the voice of the pupil is heard at all times
  • Provide a range of Accreditation options to provide pupils with qualifications for the workplace and future study
  • Plan for the future and ensure effective transitions
  • Try new things, explore, make life-long friends and have fun
  • Learn in real life contexts to become competent, motivated and confident learners
  • Apply Functional Skills in a range of practical contexts to facilitate positive community access evidenced by their ability to contribute to the completion of every day and independent living tasks
  • Ensure work experience provides a range of opportunities to explore possible future careers
  • Work closely with in-house Multi-Agency teams and Community Health, Employment and Housing and Social Care services/groups to ensure 6th Formers lead the way in planning and shaping future services
  • Sustain good standards of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and be as fit as possible to participate in society, as may be evidenced by their active participation in health-related regimes, therapeutic programmes, sustained high attendance and our use of the THRIVE programme where required.

Sixth Form Curriculum Progress

  • Being prepared for adult life and being as independent as they, as an individual, are able to be
  • Developing independent living skills and work-related skills
  • Moving from familiarity and routine to less familiar and new skills, such as in school then to in-house work experience and 3 Café Kitchen Work skills, to eventually taking part in work experience with local employers
  • Progressing from generic life and work skills to very specific skills in individual contexts
  • Gaining practical skills, increased knowledge and have positive attitudes towards self and others in the community
  • Achieving and progressing through English and Maths Functional Skills Courses, Employability experience and accreditation, AQA Unit Award Scheme courses and Duke of Edinburgh Qualifications.
  • By making a successful transition to a post school pathway of continued education/work/voluntary community enterprises which are considered a life progression

How is progress measured?

  • Progress towards Communication, Cognition, Physical and Sensory and Social, Emotional and Mental Health outcomes in Education, Health and Care Plans (evaluated in Pupil Progress Trackers).
  • Progress in AQA Unit Award Scheme Courses for Pre-Entry study, OCR Functional Skills qualifications in English and Maths Entry 1-3, Level 1, Level 2, GCSE/ Level 3 extension courses where applicable, offering a personalised accreditation offer. English and Maths progress is a key focus for progression alongside employability skills. Pupils achieving Bronze Duke of Edinburgh challenge in KS4 may chose to complete their Silver/Gold Challenge in Sixth Form. New pupils joining 6th form can access Bronze award where needed. We also offer the ASDAN Workright employability course moving on to the Employability Skills qualification at Entry 2/3 and Level ½.
  • Destination Data – whether our pupils successfully move onto college, employment or further training.
  • B-Squared Steps for Life assessment

In order to provide an effective transition to Sixth form, pupils will spend time in their new classes where possible and staff will complete transition meetings. This ensures that exam results and assessment data from KS4 is shared with teams to ensure the next steps for learning are planned and aspirational outcomes are set to further learning.

Sixth form pupils will continue to have an Annual Review meeting to review their EHCP outcomes and plan for transition and next steps.

At Three Ways School, we want our pupils to leave school and be prepared for the next stage of their educational journey. We also want to support them to play an active role in their local community, through taking part in activities and living locally in supported or independent living. We also want them to have happy and healthy futures and therefore also support them to develop skills to manage their emotional and physical health needs, independently or with support. Functional English and Maths curriculum are embedded to support the acquisition of skills