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Looked After Children (LAC) and Previously Looked After Children (PLAC)


Mrs Heaton - Designated LAC Teacher

Mrs Conway - Family Support Worker

Our school aims to promote high aspirations for children who are placed in care and previously looked after, to ensure all pupils are given the opportunity to succeed and develop their full potential. We believe that every individual is capable of achieving, and constantly striving for excellence.

It is the responsibility of the Designated Teacher, to work with all school staff to promote the educational achievement and pastoral welfare of Children Looked After (CLA) and Previously Looked After Children (Post LAC) that are part of our school community. We recognise that school plays a vital role in providing a stable base for LAC and Post LAC students and in promoting their academic, social and emotional development. We promote staff training in their specific needs, so that we are sensitive to the barriers to learning that LAC and Post LAC students may experience.

Please see our Looked After and Previously Looked after Children Policy

​Key Documents