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The School Day

Structure of day

School Opens 8.50am

Morning Lessons 9.00am - 12.00pm (Primary) 12.40pm (Secondary)

Morning Break 15 minutes

Lunchtime 12.00pm - 1.00pm (Primary) 12.40pm - 1.30pm (Secondary)

Afternoon Lessons 1.00pm - 3.15pm (Primary) 1.30pm - 3.15pm (Secondary)

Structure of day image

Transport is arranged where necessary for pupils attending the school. Transport is arranged by the Local Authority. Whilst the school is happy to help with concerns that parents may have regarding transport, the responsibility rests with the L.E.A. It is your responsibility to inform School Transport if they are not needed or of any changes.

There are 5 days during the school year when the school closes to have Teacher Development Days. You will be informed of these as soon as possible.

We believe that school and home partnership is very important and we are always trying to find new ways of doing so. Here are some of them:

TELEPHONE: You are welcome to contact the school at any time but if you need to speak to a teacher please ring outside lesson times.

VISITS: You are welcome to visit the school but please make an appointment beforehand. Whenever you arrive at the school, always report to the office.

PARENTS EVENINGS: These are usually held twice a year. An appointment is made at a convenient time for you to discuss your child with the Class Teacher and Teaching Assistants.

NEWSLETTERS: Newsletters are sent home twice per term. These will include information on what the pupils have been doing and any up and coming events at the school.

There are also many other occasions over the year when parents are invited into school, for example, School Concerts, School Pantos, Sports Day etc.

Dojo: We use Class DOJO as our online Parent/Carer Communication. This can be accessed by using a smartphone, computer or internet ready device. Teachers will issue joining codes at the beginning of the year to families. Please sigh up and share in your child’s progress.

REPORTING MEDICAL ABSENCES: If your child is unwell or attending a medical appointment, please inform the school as soon as possible by telephone or preferably in writing. Pupils should not be sent into school if they are unwell and not less than 24 hours after having sickness and diarrhoea.

HOLIDAYS DURING SCHOOL TIME: If you need to take your child with you on a family holiday or activity during school time please complete a Holiday Application Form available from the School Office and send it into school before the holiday otherwise we will have to record the absence as unauthorised.

ADVERSE WEATHER CONDITIONS: Radio alerts, text to parents/carers, school website and transport will notify parents/carers

The School has three minibuses and one people carrier. Two of the minibuses have tail lifts. All pupils are given the opportunity to participate in suitable educational visits. Voluntary parental contributions may be asked for to subsidise such visits. Residential visits are organised for older pupils.