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​The Three Ways School Academy Trust has five Members. The members ensure the trust meets its charitable objectives by appointing trustees, agreeing the articles of association and appointing the auditors.

Members List -

Mike Roberts - Member/Trustee

Rodney Hodgman - Member/Trustee

Sally Apps - Member

Gill Jordan - Member

Carrie Furnell - Member

Trust Board

The Trust Board, is responsible for all aspects of the running of the school, but above all, we have a duty of care for our students and staff to provide a safe and enjoyable learning environment. We will endeavour to ensure that Three Ways remains a place to which parents/carers wish to send their children and a place in which staff can enjoy teaching and aspire to achieve their personal and career goals.

Three Ways is a remarkable school and we are very proud that this has been recognised by OFSTED who have rated us as Good with Outstanding features in our most recent inspection. This is testament to the dedication and skill of the whole school community who work so hard to provide an excellent learning environment for our students.

The school is an increasingly popular choice for parents/carers and this in itself presents challenges for the future, as trustees we will continue to work with the senior leadership of the school to review how best to meet the future demands on the school and on its resources.

We are very fortunate to have a group of capable and dedicated Trust Board members at the school, if you would like to know more about the role of the Trust Board please get in touch. We hold termly meetings and sub-committees to lead on the HR, Finance and Premises, Education development and Health and Safety of the School. We always value new expertise and welcome interested parties to contact the school office where Teresa Topping (Clerk to Trust Board) can connect team members for discussion.

Mike Roberts

Chair of Trust Board

Mike Roberts

Chair of Trust Board

Full Governing Body / HR / Premises

My involvement with the school began as a parent Governor/Trustee over 10 years ago and for the last 5 years I have been Chair of the Trust. I have a background in strategic marketing and finance having spent a number of years working for a range of banking and finance organisations. More recently I have been a partner in a Business Consultancy operating throughout Europe.

Mike Roberts image

Rodney Hodgman


Finance / Education / HR

I became a Trustee of Summerfield School in 1984 and, later, was a member of the steering committee which resulted in the birth of Three Ways Academy. I currently chair the Education (curriculum) committee and, until recently, was the Trustee responsible for Safeguarding. My background was in the Finance Industry. I now chair 4 Charitable Trusts in the City and am a Civic Macebearer to the Mayor of Bath. My hobbies are Music, Golf and Grandchildren….all equally expensive at times!

Rodney Hodgman image

Katie Hall



Katie Hall  image

Sarah Service


Education / HR

I’m delighted to be a trustee at Three Ways School. I’m a retired speech and language therapist. I have worked in community clinics, mainstream schools and with staff at the Royal United Hospital School in the past and I then managed the speech and language therapy service across Bath and North East Somerset for 10 years. I’m particularly interested in the development of children’s communication skills and how this impacts on their learning.

I’m on the education and HR sub-committees and value the opportunity to be involved in the life of Three Ways. My specific area as a trustee is in the Early Years and I have followed the recent developments in the curriculum with interest.

Sarah Service image

Charles Gerrish



I am a Retired Bank manager. Former chairman of governors and parent of a former pupil at Three Ways School. I am currently Chairman of Aequus Developments and financial trustee of Youth Connect SW. I was a BANES Councilor for 16 years, retiring from this in 2019. I have a specific interest in financial management.

Charles Gerrish  image

Jo Stoaling

​Head Teacher

Full Governing Body

Jo Stoaling  image

Katherine Fathers

​Parent Trustee

Education / Safe Guarding Lead

I am a parent trustee and have been a member of the board for several years. I am the Safeguarding Lead, and also a member of the Education Committee.

Katherine Fathers image

Francessca Joy

I am a parent trustee, with my son being a current pupil at Three Ways. With a background in teaching and education, I sit on both the education and finance committee, and am pleased to be able to play a part in ensuring the school delivers the very best for its pupils.

Francessca Joy image

James (Ben) Evans

Ben is a practicing Solicitor working in Family Law with Co-op Legal Services. Ben is a Member of the Finance, Premises and Audit Committee.

James (Ben) Evans image

Claire Richards

​Claire is currently working as a Teacher at St Gregory’s Catholic School. She joins as a Trustee and will be a member of the Education Committee.

Claire Richards image