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Family Support

Family Support is offered in a range of ways at Three Ways School.
You can contact your child’s class teacher or the Head of Department, who will be able to support and signpost you.

Alison Duffett: Head of Primary

Lucy Heaton: Head of Secondary

Steph Harper: Head of 6th Form

Sharon Conway: Family Support


Some examples of what support is available:

  • Signposting to agencies for support with funding for equipment, holidays, short breaks
  • Referrals and signposting to other services. We have a bank of information about what services are out there in BANES as well as other local authorities.
  • Passing on up to date information about out of school activities, play schemes
  • Attending meetings/visits to other schools, respite providers, organisations etc with you if you need some support.
  • Support with letters and communicating to housing department if you are struggling with overcrowding or other housing issues.
  • Home visits can be arranged if coming into the school is a barrier.
  • Home Thrive assessments to look at your child’s emotional/social development and to help you understand your child’s behaviour, giving you strategies and activities to help your child move through difficult behaviour.
  • Emotional support for parents/carers if you need a chat over the phone or in person.
  • Referral to specialist services such as Learning Disability nursing team to address issues at home such as sleep, toileting and behaviour.
  • Coordinating Team Around the child meetings bringing all people involved in supporting a child together to discuss the child’s needs and put in place a plan of support.

Here is a list of services which could be useful for you and your family:

Carers Centre Bath
We are here for the friends and families helping their loved ones get the best out of life.
Looking after a partner, friend or family member due to old age, illness, disability, mental health problem or an addiction can be a very rewarding experience. However without the right support in place it can take a toll on our physical and mental wellbeing.

Bath Area Play Project
BAPP is a registered charity and local voluntary organisation. We promote and facilitate opportunities for children and young people to play and participate in positive activities. We promote the importance of self-directed play for child development and the rights of children.

Combe Down Holiday Trust
Combe Down Holiday Trust is a local charity, providing holidays, short breaks, or days out for disabled people and/or their carers and families living in the Bath & North East Somerset area.

Supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents and carers

Off the record
We are a mental health and wellbeing charity providing free, confidential and independent support to young people aged 10-25 across Bath and North East Somerset

We offer a range of services for Disabled children and young people in different areas of BANES.
We work as part of the ‘Space for Me’ Partnership to deliver sessions in Bath and North East Somerset for Disabled Children and Young People between the ages of 5-21.

Livewell BANES
Information, support and signposting

Rainbow resource scheme
Rainbow Resource Scheme membership is available to eligible* children and young people aged between 0-25 years, with a Special Educational Need and/ or Disability (SEND) or an additional need, living across Bath and North East Somerset. (*see eligibility, below)

Citizens Advice Bureau
We Are Citizens Advice - the people’s champion. We give people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward - whoever they are, and whatever their problem.
We are here to help everyone who needs it with practical advice you can really trust. Our national charity and network of local charities offer confidential advice online, over the phone, and in person, for free.

Newmans Holiday Trust
The Newman Holiday Trust is a voluntary organisation which runs summer holidays for children with additional needs.
The Trust provides holidays for over 140 children aged 4-18 each year, but we rely on people’s generosity to help us continue our vital work.

Southside Family Project
Southside supports individuals and families living in Bath and North East Somerset to make positive changes in their lives. Rooted in the heart of the communities we have served since 1997, Southside strives to reduce social isolation and to build strong, resilient communities.

Family Fund
We are the UK’s largest grant-making charity for families raising a disabled or seriously ill child, on a low income.

St Johns Foundation
A charity working in partnership to build communities where children can grow into happy, healthy and educated members of society; as well as supporting those who have reached a point of crisis in their life.
Every aspect of our work is built upon our values of trust, kindness and courage, and inspired by our purpose: To change lives. For good.

Family Action
Through change, challenge and crisis, Family Action is here for any family in need and anyone without family support. It’s what we’ve done for over 150 years.
Across the UK, we protect children, support young people and adults and offer direct, practical help to families and communities.
We are Contact, the charity for families with disabled children.
We support families, bring families together and help families take action for others.

Bath Food bank
We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

Children’s centre services
Find out what regular groups we run at our Children’s Centres for all families with children under five years old (under 10 years for Theraplay & Parenting Support Groups). You can also contact us for further support and we can refer you to one of our courses or programmes.

Connecting Families
We work with families who have multiple or complex needs and require intensive interventions to help them achieve positive outcomes for themselves. Our aim is to work with you as a family to make a positive difference to your progress.

Reach housing support
The support Reach offers includes advice on housing, benefits, and managing debts; it can also refer clients to other specialist agencies.

Move the Mind
Move the Mind have outstanding horses and other animals and is set in approximately 14 acres of beautiful Somerset farmland to create an environment with very minimal sensory triggers. Move the Mind helps children with autism and other neurocognitive conditions to heal sensory dysfunctions and to gain direct communication. The approach used is to follow the child’s interests, tailored to their individual needs using the animals in a therapeutic way to help gain self esteem, confidence and develop the ability to express themselves.