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Careers Education

Careers and Enterprise-Three Ways School-The World of Work and Community

Three Ways School works to open the world of employment and enterprise to all students through our Careers Education Programme.

We develop a wide network of links to local employers and relationships with other organisations in order to expand students’ horizons and experience.

We aim to prepare students to move on to the next step knowing the skills they have and those they would like to develop.

Careers and Enterprise-Three Ways School-The World of Work and Community image

Please click here to see our Careers Policy which includes our Provider Access Policy and Work Experience Policy

All of the young people at the school work to develop 9 key careers and enterprise related skills


Three Ways has worked with the Career Development Institute (CDI) and the Careers and Enterprise Company to develop the programme. Students are introduced to careers from the start of their school journey with activities tied into role play, visits and topics throughout the curriculum. The careers plan is linked to The Gatsby Benchmarks and CDI Framework. By the end of their time at Three Ways we expect all students to have experienced:


3 Cafe Kitchen

3 Cafe Kitchen is a community-focused café offering an award-winning, freshly prepared, locally sourced, and seasonal menu.

We provide work experience and training to young people with special needs.

3 Cafe Kitchen is a community hub, helping to create future employment opportunities and better integration into the employment market.

See our website page or follow us on social media

3 Cafe Kitchen  image

We are so grateful to the organisations who support our students on work experience including The Roman Baths, Hilton Hotel , Bath, Cook, Nova Sports and Coaching, Designability, Better Leisure, Bath Race Course and Lansdown Golf Club. We are always looking for new placements so please do get in touch with if would be interested.


Who do we work with?


We work with Careers Education company, Talentino!, who are a niche career development organisation. All staff have had staff development opportunities and have access to the ‘Careers at Every Level’ programme for young people with learning difficulties and additional needs who aspire to enter the world of work. This programme is based on Talentino’s innovative Careers programme designed specifically for mainstream schools and colleges called “Careers at Every Level”.

Opening Doors Magazine supports employers to find out more about working with people with additional needs and shares example.

The Magazine is now in its’ second issue and is produced and updated by Clean Slate.

The magazine was produced in partnership with the B&NES Employer Engagement Network and a forum of support agencies, employers and funders brought together by Three Ways School and the St Johns Foundation.

Youth Connect SW are our partner to provide independent careers advice and guidance for students in groups and one to ones

Careers and Enterprise Company supports SEND schools in the region with their Careers Strategy in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks by completing SEND Compass Evaluation tool. Kelly Spicer, our Enterprise Co-ordinator connects and signposts opportunities including work experience, experience of the workplace and supported internships.

The school works closely with our volunteer Enterprise Coordinator, Penny Cox a volunteer from business who has a passion for raising the aspirations of young people to help put opportunities with local employers at the heart of a young person’s education.

Our Student Experiences

Through our Careers Curriculum Students will have -:

· Develop a CV which employers can easily understand, based on their skills and abilities, this may be in video or picture format

· Engaged in individually planned and supported Work Experience, which suits the pupil and their interests, this will start as a school-based experience in the 3 Café Kitchen, the school café, or within school helping with maintenance, gardens, sports, IT, play or in the primary department. For those who are able a community-based work placement will be supported.

· Participate in an enterprise project selling through school events and outlets - Bath Christmas Market.

· Have experienced a range of work insights, role plays and conversations about the world of work, local and national opportunities and the skills involved.

· Participated in a volunteering project to develop employability skills including team work, time management and communication, these will be both school and community based.

Meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks image

Meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks

We work to meet the guidelines of The SEND Gatsby Benchmarking Toolkit which gives practical information and guidance to SEN schools on how to use the Gatsby Benchmarks to ensure that schools provide a robust Careers Education programme. Click on the link below to access the document

The SEND Gatsby Benchmark Toolkit 2018

How can you help?

If you would like to find out more about the programme and how you can get involved by offering placements, work place insights, giving talks or helping prepare students for work please contact Pippa Harding, Careers Lead on 01225 838070 or email

Careers Lead at Three Ways School - Mrs Pippa Harding -

Work Experience/Business Networking Lead - Mrs Lucy Beattie -
