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Qualifications and Accreditation

Pupils at Three Ways School can be entered for the following courses in KS4 (yr 10 and 11) and 6th Form. Pupils are entered for the courses if they are working at the level specified by the exam board. All pupils in KS4 access a broad range of subjects and choose to complete a qualification in Art or Music.

OCR/Pearson - ELC English

AQA/Pearson - ELC Maths

Pearson - Functional Skills - English/Maths Level 1/2

AQA - GCSE - Maths/English Language/Art

WJEC - Entry Pathways Qualification - PE/Careers/DT/Food Tech/Art/Music

AQA Unit awards - Careers/Computing/Science/Humanities/Art/Music

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver Accreditation